Return of Title IV Policy (R2T4) PDF

Effective With the Fall 2000 Term, 联邦政府改变了对退学学生的联邦财政援助的确定方式.

如果获得第四章资助的学生在60%的学期内完全退学, 学校需要确定学生在退学前已经获得了多少经济援助. 未获得的第四章资金必须由大学和/或学生退还给联邦政府. 这种情况可能导致学生欠大学,政府或两者的援助资金.

How Will My 金融援助 Be Calculated After I Withdraw

如果学生以佩尔助学金的形式获得联邦财政援助,联邦公式要求归还第四章援助, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Direct Student 贷款 or PLUS Loan, Teach 奖助金 or Iraq & 阿富汗Sv. 奖助金 and withdraws on or before 60% of the term.

To determine the amount of aid the student has earned up to the time of withdrawal, 将学生上课的日历天数除以学期的日历天数. Scheduled breaks of more than five days or more are excluded. 然后将所得的百分比乘以该学期支付的联邦资金总额(无论是到学生账户还是直接通过支票支付给学生). This calculation determines the amount of aid earned by the student, which he/she may keep (for example, if the student attended 25% of the term, the student has earned 25% of the aid disbursed).

How Do You Know if I Stop Attending

For financial aid purposes there are two types of withdrawals: 官方 and 非官方的.

官方 -当学生通知一站式他/她打算从利记sbo退学时,就会发生正式退学. For the policy and procedure of 官方 Withdrawals, review the 利记sbo Catalog, Academic 政策 section. 联系 the OneStop for more information.
非官方的 -当学生没有向利记sbo提供正式的退学通知时,发生非正式退学.

希望放弃或退出一门或几门课程的学生必须通过旗帜网站在线完成. 辍学或退学的日期将是学生完成旗帜网站流程的日期. Instructors notify Enrollment Services if a student stops attending or never attended a class. For online courses, non- attendance is lack of participation in the online courses. 注册服务部通过电子邮件通知学生“我们已被通知不出勤”。. 学生有10天的时间做出回应,要么退课(如果仍在退课期限内),要么与导师解决问题. If the student does not take any action, a “WF” or “WN” grade is issued to the student. 由讲师报告的最后出勤日期被记录为返回标题IV的经济援助处理的要求. If it has been determined that a student has unofficially withdrawn, 返回标题IV计算将假设完成学期的50% -除非利记sbo2验证出勤日期晚于利记sbo确定的日期,学生可以提供支持学术活动最后日期的文件. Documentation supporting the last date of academic activity should be brought to the OneStop. See below for examples of academically-related activities.

Definition of an Academically Related Activity

Proof of participation:

  • 考试或测验
  • 教程
  • Computer-assisted instruction
  • Completion of an academic assignment, paper or project
  • Participating in online discussion about academic matters
  • 主动与教师联系,询问有关课程学术主题的问题

When is My Aid Returned?


如果支付给学生的金额少于学生获得的金额,将向学生发放提款后的资金, 如果学生在其他方面有资格,他/她有资格获得未收到的奖学金的提款后支付. 如果存在这种情况,学校将在决定退学之日起30天内通知学生.


返还给联邦政府的资金用于减少个别联邦项目的未偿余额. (由大学和/或学生或家长)退回的经济援助必须按以下顺序分配: 

  1. Federal Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan
  2. Federal Subsidized Direct Stafford Loan
  3. Federal Direct Plus (Parent) Loan received on behalf of the student
  4. Federal Pell 奖助金
  5. Iraq and Afghanistan Service 奖助金
  6. FSEOG Program aid   Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  7. 教授予

Once a determination of earned Federal aid is made, the Office of 金融援助 will notify each affected withdrawn student of eligibility. 奖助金 will be disbursed within 45 days of determining the post-withdrawn amount.  提款后贷款将提供给学生或家长,然后才能将资金应用到学生的账户中.  The offer requires acceptance or denial in writing within 14 days of receipt of the notice. 贷款必须在大学确定学生退学之日起30天内发放.

  • 贷款 disbursed are payable under the terms and conditions as outlined in the promissory note. 大多数直接贷款借款人将在提款后六个月开始还款,除非他们在六个月的宽限期结束前开始半日上课(本科6学分/研究生3学分). 


大学基金的计算使用与联邦计算第四章基金相同的百分比. 只有当学生欠大学的余额时,才能申请大学资金.

重要的是要认识到,令人满意的学业进步的一个关键组成部分是完成课程. A total withdrawal contributes no completed credits to an academic transcript. 在一个学期内没有完成课程可以被视为对完成学位的积极进展的负面影响.  

Questions and concerns should be directed to the One Stop Center at (248) 204-2280 or . 财政援助办公室鼓励所有学生在退出之前与他们的学术顾问会面,并利用咨询和支持服务办公室提供的资源.