
Virinder K. Moudgil博士

Virinder K. Moudgil博士, had served as president and CEO of 利记sbo (利记sbo) from July 1, 2012年至12月31日, 2022. He oversaw a period of significant growth of 利记sbo’s enrollment, fund raising, and community outreach. Campus facility growth and improvements include purchase of an adjacent five acres and 92,000 sq. ft. 两个建筑, 兴建第三及第四个学生宿舍, 利记sbo底特律设计与技术中心位于底特律市中心, and the Taubman Complex and 马伯格 STEM中心 opened in September 2016, 这也是先进工程的发源地, 生命科学, 还有建筑项目. Dr. Moudgil also has led or championed 研究 and scholarship traditions at 利记sbo emphasizing undergraduate basic and applied 研究.


  • 哈佛大学教育管理学院,2006年
  • Post-博士 – Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota (Molecular Medicine), 1973-76
  • 博士学位 Zoology (Biochemistry) – Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 印度, 1972  


  • 学术事务高级副校长兼教务长, 教务长, 以及奥克兰大学的临时教务长, 2001-12
  • 访问ing Scientist, Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Vinca, Belgrade, 1988
  • 访问ing Scientist, Lab Hormones, University of Paris Sud, Bicetre, 法国, 1983-84
  • Consultant, United Nations Development Program (TOKTEN), Bombay, 印度, 1989
  • 联合主席, Steering Committee for Development of the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine


副总裁,密歇根教育信托基金(MET和MESP 529)
Member, Thomas Cooley Law School – Professional Advisory Committee
Member of the Board, Michigan Independent College and Universities association
Chair (2017), Association of Independent Technological Universities Inc. (AITU)
Member of the Executive Committee, Japan Center for Michigan Universities (2005-10)

总统 Moudgil has a special interest in advancing cultural understanding and globalization. 2013年,他创立了利记sbo’s   地球村项目   促进学生的意识和合作.


Rick Snyder,密歇根州州长
印度驻美国大使阿伦·库马尔·辛格说.S. (2015-16)
卡尔·莱文,美国.S. 参议员
桑德·莱文,美国.S. 代表
加里·彼得斯,美国.S. 参议员
布伦达·劳伦斯,美国.S. 代表
詹姆斯·布兰查德,前密歇根州州长和美国总统.S. 美国驻加拿大大使
numerous other prominent academic, social and political personalities 

He was the leader or a team member for arranging and hosting campus visits at

U.S. 乔治·W总统. 布什(2002)
印度前总统辛格博士. 阿卜杜勒·卡拉姆(2009). 


Oakland University and 利记sbo with institutions in Israel, 印度, China, and Germany


Member, American Delegation in Adult Endocrinology to the People's Republic of China, 1983  

Invited speaker/chair at scientific sessions at international conferences/symposia in China, 印度, 法国, 前南斯拉夫, 加拿大, 前捷克斯洛伐克, 荷兰, 西班牙, 和以色列.


玛丽安P. 1986年,奥克兰大学威尔逊奖
奥克兰大学基金会卓越研究奖 ,   1996
Outstanding 教师, Michigan Association of Governing Boards of State Universities, 1997
Chief Guest, Banquet, 密歇根印第安裔医师协会, 2007
George Wibby Award: Athletic Department Hall of Honor, Oakland University, 2007
黑金奖 ,   学生活动和领导力发展中心, 2008学术领袖奖, 密歇根州国际商会, 2009
学术优秀奖 ,   密歇根印第安裔医师协会, 2011年麦考伊科学奖, DAPCEP(底特律地区大学预科工程项目)2016 

总统 Moudgil’s scientific work has appeared in some 250 publications, 包括110篇论文或评论/书籍章节, 112篇会议论文集或摘要. 他编辑或曾担任九本书的系列编辑. His 研究 on steroid hormone action was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health. He was a panel member of the National Institutes of Health Physiological Sciences Study Section 1987-94.


理查德E. 马伯格博士

理查德E. 马伯格, 前通用汽车研究员, has served over 50 years in Lawrence Tech teaching and administrative roles, including serving as the University's fourth president from 1977 to 1993.

一位有天赋且受欢迎的老师, in retirement he continues to serve Lawrence Tech students on a near daily basis as a volunteer academic advisor, 导师, 和导师. In acknowledgment of his vast contributions to 利记sbo, the 马伯格 STEM中心 in the A. Alfred Taubman 工程, Architecture, and Life Sciences Complex was named in his honor.

马伯格 was an early proponent of computers to aid the educational process, 在他担任总统期间, the campus-wide distribution and adoption of computers for teaching, 研究, 业务, 交流发生了. 马伯格 insisted that all campus machines be able to “talk” with each other, seamless interaction rare at the time but an attribute he thought essential to assuring the cohesion of the Lawrence Tech learning community. 校园电子邮件于1982年开通. 韦恩·H. 楼宇管理大楼, 唐·瑞德勒庄园, 工程大楼的一个主要扩建部分开放了. Lawrence Tech’s first major capital campaign was launched and concluded over goal. He initiated the return of graduate programs to Lawrence Tech and led Lawrence Tech’s change of status from an institute of technology to university in 1989.

马伯格 is chairman of the board of the AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School. 他是底特律工程学会的前任主席, 底特律大都会科学教师协会, 以及大都会底特律科学与工程博览会. He is also past chairman of the Southfield Planning Commission and the Association of Independent 大学 and Universities of Michigan.

1965年成为兼职教师, he was named to the full-time faculty in 1969 and then led the College of Arts and Sciences before being named vice president for academic affairs (provost) of the University. He holds three degrees in physics from Wayne State University, including the Ph.D. Among numerous awards for scientific accomplishment and leadership, 他被评为韦恩大学杰出校友, 当选为国家荣誉科学学会会员, Sigma Xi, and has received the 工程 Society of Detroit’s coveted Gold Award and Rackham Humanitarian Award. He received the Doctor of 工程, honoris causa, from Lawrence Tech in 1993.

A state champion spelling bee winner in the 1940s and a proponent of strong communication skills for students, 马伯格 rescued and reinvigorated the Michigan Spelling Bee and administered it through the University for over a decade.

在通用汽车研究实验室工作了17年, he made many important contributions to technology including X-ray diffraction techniques.

马尔伯格和他已故的妻子, 玛丽, 有两个成年子女, 他们都是劳伦斯理工学院的毕业生, 还有四个孙子.